Rowing Geelong Jeff Sykes Rowing Centre Grand Opening
Rowing Geelong commenced work on it’s new Rowing Centre in March last year and this Friday it will celebrate the Grand Opening of the facility in front of local dignitaries, its donors, and the local rowing community.

Rowing has enriched our lives, let’s pay it forward
As members of the rowing community, we have been fortunate to know the teamwork, support and friendship that the sport affords. We vow to pay this forward to school children who may otherwise miss the opportunity to experience the sport’s many benefits.

Wall Panels Erected
First panels being lifted into place this morning for the Rowing Geelong Jeff Sykes Rowing Centre.

Slab Poured
Another milestone in the last couple of days. The slab for the Rowing Geelong Jeff Sykes Rowing Centre has been laid!

Foundations Poured
It’s been an exciting week down on the Barwon. Foundations have been poured for the new Rowing Geelong Jeff Sykes Rowing Centre!

Jeff Sykes Rowing Centre
Rowing Geelong (aka Geelong Rowing Association) are excited and grateful to announce the proposal to establish a new boat shed (JEFF SYKES ROWING CENTRE) on the Barwon River